Hawaii Tribune-Herald Sunday, October 28, 2018 9
Hui Pono graduates, from left, Ken (pictured with Dr. Melanie Arakaki), Wallace and Dawn reversed their cardiac disease in nine weeks.
enneth Goodenow
was elated.
“My A1c decreased
from 9.6 to 5.9,” he said.
“I lost six inches off of my
waist and 25 pounds!”
As a participant of the Hui
Pono Ornish Lifestyle Medicine
program, Goodenow journeyed
through the nine-week cardiac
rehabilitation program,
scientifically proven to
prevent, stop and even reverse
(“undo”) heart disease through
significant lifestyle changes.
The program assembles
participants for two four-hour
classes per week, consisting of
one-hour sessions in exercise,
nutrition, stress management
and group support.
“I think the biggest thing
that happened is the mindset,”
Goodenow reflected. “The
work that we did in the
program is doable and holistic.”
Just days after his graduation
from Hui Pono, Goodenow
went for his checkup with
his primary care physician,
Dr. Melanie Arakaki, who
said, “I knew he would get
better doing this program, but
I didn't know he would do
this well! I've never seen his
A1c this low before — 5.9!
It’s a big improvement!”
Goodenow’s cholesterol,
blood pressure, blood glucose
and weight all improved,
convincing Arakaki to reduce
his diabetes medication.
“I can eat all of this whole
grain carbs and my sugar
dropped,” Goodenow says.
“I’m happy about the blood
sugar. It’s only been nine
weeks! Imagine what’s going to
happen in the next nine weeks.”
For more information
about upcoming sessions, call
Hui Pono Ornish Lifestyle
Medicine program at Hilo
Medical Center at 932-3455.
Telehealth services at Hilo Medical Center are here thanks
to $2 million in funding from the state Legislature.
Telehealth services aimed at bringing specialty services
to our community started with tele-psychiatry in Hilo
Medical Center’s Emergency Department. In the first two
months of providing this service, three of the tele-psychiatrists
who cover the service had nearly 300 consults.
The next specialty to be brought in via telehealth
is endocrinology, and it will be first used in the
Hawaii Island Family Health Center, with an aim to
open up access to the specialty to the community.
“It’s only been nine weeks! Imagine what’s going to happen
in the next nine weeks.”