Hawaii Tribune-Herald Sunday, October 28, 2018 3
DID YOU KNOW? Our East Hawaii Region
now operates 11 specialty clinics.
Quick Facts (FY 2018)
Hilo Medical Center
As the Big Islandʼs leading provider
of inpatient and outpatient care, Hilo
Medical Center delivers a full range
of services and programs.
192 Beds
48,715 Emergency Visits
8,862 Admissions
9 Clinics
51,803 Clinic Visits
4,982 Surgeries
1,029 Births
1,108 Employees
$188 million Revenue
$125 million Payroll
Ka`u Hospital
A little hospital with a big mission, Ka`u Hospital, a certified
Critical Access Hospital and its rural health clinic, serves the
remote southern region of the Big Island.
21 Beds 65 Employees
103 Admissions $8.5 million Revenue
2,997 ER Visits $6.9 million Payroll
4,600 Clinic Visits
Hale Ho`ola Hamakua
Originally known as Honoka`a Hospital, this facility was
transformed in 1995 (and expanded in 2010) to serve the
long-term care needs of Hamakua, North Hawaii and South
Kohala communities. Hale Ho`ola Hamakua is designated
as a Critical Access Hospital.
77 Beds 119 Employees
212 Admissions $17.5 million Revenue
2,022 ER Visits $11.1 million Payroll
Improving our communityʼs
health through exceptional
and compassionate care.
To create a health care
system that provides patient
centered, culturally competent,
cost effective care with
exceptional outcomes and
superior patient satisfaction.
We will achieve success by
pursuing a leadership role in
partnership with community
health care organizations and
Hilo Medical Center
1190 Waianuenue Avenue
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Phone: (808) 932-3000
Ka`u Hospital
1 Kamani Street
Pahala, Hawaii 96777
Phone: (808) 932-4200
Hale Ho`ola Hamakua
54-547 Plumeria Street
Honokaa, Hawaii 96727
Phone: (808) 932-4100
Honokaa to Hilo – 41 mi.
Ka`u to Hilo – 53 mi.
East Hawaii Region’s
service area is 2,000
square miles.
Specialty Clinics
Behavioral Health Clinic
1190 Waianuenue Avenue
(808) 932-4099
Cardiology Clinic
1190 Waianuenue Avenue, 1st Floor
(808) 932-3480
Hawaii Island
Family Health Center
1190 Waianuenue Avenue, 1st Floor
(808) 932-4215
Hawaii Pacific Oncology Center
1285 Waianuenue Avenue
(808) 932-3590
Hilo Bone & Joint
73 Pu`uhonu Place, Suite 100
(808) 932-4235
Hilo Surgical Associates
134 Pu`uhonu Way, 1st Floor
(808) 932-4225
Neurology Clinic
1190 Waianuenue Avenue
(808) 932-4230
Otolaryngology Clinic
(Ear, Nose & Throat)
75 Pu`uhonu Place, Suite 101
(808) 933-3800
Urology Clinic
75 Pu`uhonu Place, Suite 101
(808) 932-4240
1 Kamani Street in Pahala
Call 932-4205
Onsite X-Ray and Laboratory
Puna Community Medical Center
15-2662 Pahoa Village Rd.,
Suite 303-305 in Pahoa
(808) 930-6001