WEST HAWAII TODAY | Sunday, July 29, 2018 5X
Improving Our Future.
Lorraine Inouye’s decision
to pursue a career in
public service is the result
of her sincere desire to
make Hawai‘i a better
place to live and raise a
family. From delivering
over $420 million in
projects over the past
4 years to District 4, to
preserving our precious
environment, Lorraine is
committed to improving
our future.
“I’m confident that Senator
Inouye will continue working to
keep the people of Hawai‘i safe. I
trust her to do the right thing.”
Ed Teixeira, Waimea
Former Civil Defense Director
“Lorraine is always ready to
roll up her sleeves to help. She
takes the time to reach out and
find out what our needs are and
how she can best help.”
Noe Kalipi
“I’ve supported Lorraine for
many years. She continues to
be a good listener, effective
problem solver and gets the
job done right.”
Pete Ballerini, Kona
“Lorraine Inouye’s energy
is matched only by her
dedication. She has relationships
throughout the state that help her
get people to work together.”
Patti Cook, Waimea
Learn more
about Lorraine’s
and priorities at
This Primary Election, vote for
leadership, experience and trust.
State Senator (D) – District 4
Hāmākua - Waimea - Kohala - Kawaihae - Puakō - Waikoloa - N. Kona
More at LorraineInouye.com | Paid for by Friends of Lorraine Inouye | 215 Pauka‘a Drive, Hilo, Hawai‘i 96720
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Lorraine Inouye - State Senator 4th District
Besides tourism, what
economic driver should
Hawaii focus on to
diversify and strengthen
the economy?
Hawai’i Island has
tremendous potential for
expanded agriculture.
However, ag needs much
stronger support for
infrastructure, marketing,
training and energy cost
reduction. There’s much
to do, but I am proud to
have helped secure $10+
million for ag in District
4. This includes a gamechanging
$1.5 million for
a major ag water study
for North Kohala, plus
grants to teach sustainable
farming and help Waipi’o
kalo farmers, Waimea
vegetable growers and all
of our ranchers.
Why should people
vote for you over the
I believe that results
directly benefiting my
constituents are the best
measure of effectiveness.
I am proud to have
strong relationships with
legislative colleagues to
bring home more than
$420 million for District 4
over the past four years
for our schools, hospitals
and transportation, as
well as for health, the
environment, and quality
of life programs. My
District is huge and
diverse. It runs from north
of Costco to Upolu Point
and back to Honoli’i gulch.
The needs and dreams
of these constituents
are equally diverse. My
responsibility is to listen
to constituents and get
results for them.
What neighbor island
issues will you champion
for on Oahu and how
will you go about getting
Equity is the central issue
facing all neighbor islands,
and frequently, we don’t
have the same needs. I
have and will continue
to champion fair share
distribution of the TAT
to the neighbor islands,
and will lobby to secure a
neighbor island seat on the
PUC. Given the traditional
imbalance of control
exerted by Honolulu,
this will require cobbling
together alliances to find
the “sweet spot” around
which diverse interests
can come together.
This is something I am
experienced with – most
notably as the chief
negotiator of the HI-5
Bottle Bill, which was very
contentious at the time.
However, I was able to
secure the bill’s passage
and it means Hawai’i has
eliminated more than 7
billion containers from our
landfills and ocean. It’s all
about hard work, strategic
thinking and relationships.