4X Sunday, July 29, 2018 | WEST HAWAII TODAY
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Josh Green - Lieutenant Governor
Lieutenant Governor can be
seen as a ceremonial position.
What platform would you
champion most in the position
and what action would you take
implementing it?
As Lieutenant Governor, I will
work on new solutions to the
homeless crisis, the opioid
epidemic, and on providing
affordable, accessible, quality
healthcare to everyone in Hawaii.
I have a record of getting results
on these issues, and I believe
I can make a real difference by
using the office of Lieutenant
Governor to provide leadership,
vision, and direction in a way that
it hasn’t been used before.
What are the most pressing
issues facing Hawaii?
I believe the most pressing issues
facing Hawaii are the homeless
crisis, the epidemic of opioid
addiction, and the need for
Since Dru Kanuha was elected to
the County Council in 2012, the
improvements he’s delivered to our
community are a reflection of the
values he was raised with in Kona.
He’s funded services and built
housing for our most vulnerable
neighbors. He’s opened parks for our
Leadership isn’t
about what you
say you will do.
It’s what you
get done.
affordable housing, a living wage,
and for greater investment in
Why should people vote for you
over your competition?
As a State Senator, I passed new
laws making sure every child
in Hawaii has healthcare, our
kupuna get the care they need,
treatment for children with
autism is covered by health
insurance, and survivors of sexual
assault have stronger protections.
As Lieutenant Governor, I will
continue to stand up and fight
for people who need help, and
for Hawaii’s working families
on issues like a living wage,
affordable housing, improving our
schools, and a plan for debt-free
college. I have a record of actually
getting things done on important
issues, not just talking about our
challenges but making positive
children and protected programs
for our seniors. He’s improved the
facilities where we gather, and built
new roads to get us around safer.
Let’s send a proven leader to the
Hawai‘i State Senate to represent
Kona and Ka‘ū. In this Primary
Election, vote Dru Kanuha.
Learn more about Dru, his accomplishments, and his priorities at DruKanuha.com | Connect on KanuhaForSenate | Paid for by Friends of Dru Kanuha | PO Box 4709, Kailua-Kona, HI 96745