8 june 2018 |
Brett Kennelly oversaw the
renovation of this vintage
cottage in Waimea, which earned
an Award of merit at the 2017
Building industry Association of
Hawai‘i competition.
Industry pro in Waimea offers practical tips
on how to hire the right contractor
lmost everyone who has ever
completed a construction or
remodeling project could tell
you how he or she would do
things differently given the
chance. So often people say, ‘If only I known
before I started what I know now…’ ”
These are the opening lines of Brett
Kennelly’s book, The Homeowners’ Guide
to Hiring Contractors, How to Save Time,
Money and Headaches by Hiring the Right
Contractor for Your Job.
A longtime Waimea resident, Brett has
decades of experience as a contractor, project
manager and design consultant, helping
homeowners make educated decisions about
the most important investment in their lives:
their homes.
“Hiring construction people is a lot like dating,”
says Brett. “Everyone is on their best behavior
on the fi rst date. Even though it’s a short-term
relationship, you’re dealing with emotions,
fi nances and expectations. The single biggest
mistake is not knowing who you are hiring and
their background. There are tragic stories.”
Brett’s informative book covers all the bases —
from estimates, fi nal bids and contracts, to how to
interview top candidates and how to get the most
from your contractor. The insider’s guide contains