4 January 2019 |
CoVEr STory
There’s no place like a homestead for John and
Margaret Stokes of South Kona
The kitchen is the central
gathering place in the Stokes’
bamboo house, where Margaret
crafts healthy cuisine, as well as
condiments, juices, sodas and
sauces from ingredients that
grow on the fi ve-acre property.
The home was designed by
Bamboo Living, based on Maui.
ohn and Margaret Stokes, of South
Kona, are true homesteaders in every
sense of the word. Whether building
their own rock walls, raising livestock
for meat, churning butter, or utilizing
edibles from their property to make syrups, sodas,
vinegars and more, the resourceful, hard-working
couple lives as sustainably as possible on their fi veacre
farm off Mamalahoa Hwy.
“We’ve never been bored a minute in our
lives,” said Margaret. “There are more things
we want to learn and do beyond what’s
possible in a human lifespan.”
Huge vaulted ceilings with skylights illuminate the
great room and kitchen of their bamboo house.
Completed six years ago, the home was designed
and pre-fabricated by Bamboo Living based on
Maui, and built by local contractor George Murphy.
The timber-grade bamboo and supporting
materials offer a naturally handcrafted habitat that
brings the organic calm of nature to the premises.
“Bamboo is sustainable and fun,” said John. “It’s a
visual feast for the eyes and the senses.”
Obtained from Wisteria Lane in Kailua-Kona, the
tiger strand bamboo carbonized fl ooring adds
elegance to the home. In the kitchen, the massive
granite counters came from Bella Pietra. The new
stairway entrance is made of Eucalyptus Robusta
from Waimea, and ‘ohi‘a from Ocean View.