westhawaiitoday.com WEST HAWAII TODAY GIFT GUIDE 21
Palani Ranch. It took Greenwell
eight years to assemble the village.
The creative details of Martha’s tiny
village inspire artists andkeiki of all ages
and remind us continually of the warmth
and wit Martha shared with everyone,
said Mollis Hustace, director of the
Isaacs Art Center.
“Our island communities are better for
her generosity of spirit and artistic legacy,”
she added. Mollis Hustace, director
of the Isaacs Art Center.
The Isaacs Art Center, located adjacent
to HPA’s Village Campus at 65-1268
Kawaihae Road, is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday through Saturday. Admission is
free. The center will be closed Dec. 24
through Dec. 31.
Info or to arrange group
visits: 885-5884.
Susan McCreary Duprey, Artistic Director
presents the…
2018 Holiday
Sunday, December 2nd, 2018 • 4:00 pm
Old Airport Maka‘eo Pavilion
Our annual FREE holiday concert
Friday, December 7th, 2018 • 5:30 pm
Youth Chorus, directed by Wendy Buzby
“Lighting the Way”
Three choruses with children from grades K-12
join together for this festive concert.
FREE – No Tickets Required!
Mokuaikaua Church • 75-5760 Alii Drive
Sunday, December 16th, 2018 • 4:00 pm
HANDEL’S MESSIAH + MORE Sheraton Kona Resort & Spa
Adults $25 • Students $10 • Reserved Seats $50
Tickets available at konachoralsociety.org