| may 2018 7
Books about Hawaii line the
shelves. Melanie’s father was
renowned Hawaiian author
John Dominis Holt IV.
be a professional writer. Our granddaughter
loves books too, and she’s four.”
The two-story library includes several
spacious built-in office nooks, a vaulted
ceiling and enough shelves for thousands
of books. Obtained from McClain’s auction
house in Honolulu, the antique sofa and
chair are reupholstered in velvety blue
fabric. A small sewing table belonged to
Tim’s grandmother. The custom pool table
was assembled inside the room after being
shipped from O‘ahu.
“The pool table is a fun element that
brings people to the books while
transforming the library into a game
room,” said Melanie. “Reading can be
solitary so it’s nice to have some group
activities in the room. It’s a wonderful
thing to be surrounded by books
because they are like old friends. It’s
such a personal thing and a deep part of
who we’ve become.”
In addition to the library, the home
includes a fully equipped gym, butler’s
pantry, and wine cellar, plus floor-toceiling
fireplaces in the living room,
family room and master bedroom. At
one time, the couple operated a USDAcertified
organic farm on the property
with dairy cows and goats, honeybees,
pigs, heritage-breed turkeys, sheep, and
greenhouses with raised beds.
A window seat just outside the library offers
the perfect spot to curl up with a good book
while taking in the views of verdant pastures,
dramatic skies and the blue Pacific with Maui
in the distance.
“Waiki‘i Ranch is one of the most
incredible places in the world,” said
Melanie. “This was the resting point for
ali‘i on their way to petition on Mauna
Kea. It’s the highest most habitable point
on the island. We’re truly located in that
thin veil between heaven and earth.”