8 Sunday, February 25, 2018 Hawaii Tribune-Herald
Dylan Shiraki • Baseball
Northern Colorado photo
May 31: The Honokaa graduate earns a win in
relief as N. Colorado gets its first WAC tourney win.
Mason Hirata • Baseball
TIM WRIGHT/Tribune-Herald
June 7: Hirata homers twice and collects five hits
as Hilo’s 11-12s win the island PONY championship.
Pono Yanagi • Golf
June 14: Yanagi fires a 72 and 69 on consecutive
days on Kauai, qualifying for two mainland events.
Brock Imonen • Swimming
RICK WINTERS/West Hawaii Today
June 21: At Hapuna, Imonen claims the second leg
of the Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming.
Sal Martino • Baseball
Contributed photo
June 28: Martino racks up three wins as the Hilo
Bronco All-Stars claim the state PONY title.
Xaige Lancaster • Baseball
MATT GERHART/Tribune-Herald
July 5: Lancaster homers in all three games as Hilo
romps to the district Little League title.
DDDDeeeeaaaallllssss aaaannnndddd SSSStttt eeeeaaaallllssss BBBBaaaarrrrggggaaaaiiiinnnn BBBBoooouuuu ttttiiiiqqqquuuueeee!!!!
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DDDDDeeeeeaaaaalllllsssss aaaaannnnnddddd SSSSSttttt eeeeeaaaaalllllsssss BBBBBaaaaarrrrrgggggaaaaaiiiiinnnnn BBBBBooooouuuuu tttttiiiiiqqqqquuuuueeeee!!!!!
DDDeeeaaalllsss aaannnddd SSSttt eeeaaalllsss BBBaaarrrgggaaaiiinnn BBBooouuu tttiiiqqquuueee!!!
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