4 april 2018 |
CoVEr sTorY
Transformative remodel in Keauhou features work
of local artists and craftspersons
Crafted by roy lambrecht
Woodworking, custom koa
cabinetry includes drawers made
of black wenge wood that mimic
a lava fl ow. The tikis were custom
made by master tiki carver, Don
Craig, via roy lambrecht. Chairs are
from plantation living & interiors in
reative living comes naturally
to Kevin Swanson and Sean
Monico, whose gorgeous home
in Keauhou imparts an enticing
and imaginative aesthetic they call
Kona Tiki Modern.
After purchasing the three-bedroom home in 2013,
the Alaska transplants embarked on transforming
the previously mundane premises into a more
practical, yet stylish, living space. A retired engineer,
Kevin plotted out new dimensions for the kitchen,
lanai, bedrooms and bathrooms, while Sean, a
retired economist with abundant artistic talent,
built 3-D scale architectural models to depict their
proposed remodel.
“The home was built in 2001, but it had some
major issues like a small kitchen and a tiny lanai,”
said Kevin. “The house was so basic but fortunately
it had good bones. The fi rst phase was the
reconfi guration of the kitchen and front entry, and
enlarging the lanai. We did the renovations in three
phases over the course of three years and are about
to undertake a fourth phase with the pool.”
Front and center in the kitchen, magnifi cent,
custom koa cabinetry reveals the craftsmanship
of Roy Lambrecht Woodworking, of Kailua-Kona.
A certifi ed kitchen designer with the company,
Karri Hogan collaborated closely with the
homeowners to help them achieve their vision.
The super-sized upper cabinets are 17 inches