2 Sunday, March 11, 2018 Hawaii Tribune-Herald
On Hawai‘i Island, INSPIRATION is everywhere
It’s in the land, sky and sea, in the
people we meet on forest trails, local
markets, and in our classrooms.
Built on the coastal slopes of
the world’s largest mountain and
centered in the Pacific Ocean,
the University of Hawai‘i Hilo
challenges, empowers and inspires
our students. As a university
community, we draw our inspiration
from the people we call ‘ohana, and
the island we call home.
Join us, and find
what inspires you.
UH-Hilo prepares
people for careers that
make a big impact
The University of Hawaii at Hilo
has a long history of engaging
with the local community. In
fact, it is because of the extraordinary
support of our local community
that UH-Hilo has grown into a
responsive source of higher education,
at-the-ready to adapt and expand to
meet the needs of our island and state.
There is an interesting indicator
that tells us where the people of our
communities are placing importance
when it comes to building our future.
Just take a look at our programs that
are expanding: Teaching, Education,
Nursing, Kinesiology and Exercise
Science. Much-needed and in-demand
programs in planning are Data
Science, Cybersecurity, and Aviation
and Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
While we expand to meet the
new needs of our future, we continue
to educate more and more highly
trained scientists who will help to
preserve and protect our precious
natural resources: environmental
scientists, conservation biologists
and ecologists, natural resource
scientists, geologists, geographers,
physicists, marine scientists.
And there are cohorts of graduating
students who want to dedicate
their lives to improving the health
and well-being of people, families
and communities — the social
and medical scientists: psychologists,
biomedical professionals and
researchers, medical anthropologists,
pharmacists, health care providers.
In addition, several academic programs
at UH-Hilo are not offered
anywhere else in the state, such as
our doctoral and master’s programs in
pharmacy and in Hawaiian language.
Students who graduate and become
professionals in these fields have a
great and positive impact on our local
communities, and in the social and
economic fabric of our island home.
Add to that our business, management
and marketing programs
that are teaching people how to build
companies that not only raise the
quality of life for their own families,
but also for their employees and
patrons. I have seen in our College
of Business and Economics — the
college I helped found and where I
taught for years — the entrepreneurial
spirit grow in students who have then
gone on to build the prosperous businesses
of their dreams, based on the
education they received at UH-Hilo.
And, not surprisingly, a number
of our students are looking to
become professionals in the field of
communication: writers, journalists,
professionals in digital and mass
media, public relations, ethnography
— all trained to share information
in the age of information — with a
background in critical thinking skills
taught as a foundational premise
during their undergraduate studies.
In other words, UH-Hilo is giving
students — whether traditional
student, transfer student, returning
student or someone wanting to change
professions — the degree pathways
that lead to professional careers
that have great social and economic
impact on our communities.
To support these future leaders
See IMPACT Page 4