

6 West Hawaii Real Estate | March 15, 2017 MLS Statistics Sales and inventory trends Stable market in Kona, Kohala Kona residential available inventory listed under $1 million is lower than last year as represented by the top blue line of the graph. This is good news for sellers, especially in the lower price ranges, which have less inventory than the upper ranges, according to Gretchen Osgood, broker and owner of Hawaiian Isle Real Estate. The pending sales, indicated by the green line, are those in escrow and are up and should peak in March or April, which is more good news. “And to top it off, sales have remained very steady since January of 2016, the last time they fell below 50 for a month, which is our baseline number to track how well the Kona market is doing,” said Osgood. Kohala’s market, which is about half the size of Kona’s, appears to be more erratic on the graph, although it has been tracking to the same trends generally as Kona. There is less inventory available than last winter and pending sales are up. However, the sales for last month fell short from previous months. “Not to worry, most likely this was due to February being a short month and they will recover in March,” Osgood said. “Overall, the West Hawaii market looks healthy midway through our winter season, which after all the chaos in the U.S. last year is good news for all whether looking to buy or sell, she said. “A stable market lends confidence to buyers and helps keep our local economy humming.” Vacant Land Loans cŅŞŅĜĹƋŸƵĜƋĘƚŞƋŅƀĂŢĀűĹÏĜĹčúÃà $QQXDO3HUFHQWDJH5DWH:LOOORDQXSWRRIWKHDSSUDLVHGYDOXHRUVDOHVSULFHZKLFKHYHULVOHVV7KUHHDQG¿YH\HDUWHUPVDYDLODEOH $¿QDOEDOORRQSD\PHQWLVGXHDWWKHHQGRIWKHWHUP0RQWKO\SD\PHQWLVFDOFXODWHGXVLQJD\HDUDPRUWLDWLRQ$OOORDQVDUHVXEMHFWWR FUHGLWDSSURYDO5DWHVDQGWHUPVZLOOEHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQLQGLYLGXDOFUHGLWZRUWKLQHVV0DLPXPORDQDPRXQWIRUSURSHUWLHVORFDWHGLQ /DYD+DDUG=RQHVDQGXSWR0XVWEH\HDUVRIDJHWRTXDOLI\IRUDORDQ0XVWEHDPHPEHUWRSDUWLFLSDWH 5HY )HGHUDOO\LQVXUHGE\1&8$ 930-7700 hicommfcu.com 5.25% e{à With rates as low as: North Kona Houses & Condos Sold and Listed Under $1 Million

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