

6 West Hawaii Real Estate | October 27, 2017 MLS Statistics Inventory continues to decline despite the new high Median Sale Price of $625,000. Hopefully some sellers are just holding off listing until the prime winter selling season arrives in January? Condo Pending Ratio data has resumed its upward trend. Invetory is down (-16 percent) and Pending Sales are up a strong +36 percent year over year. Again shortage of inventory will be a continuing issue and put upward pressure on price. Current Median Price increase is up +7 percent. Recent data for Land shows improvement from last year’s numbers, but not to the extent of Res and Condo. Annual sales are also up nicely as is the corresponding 12 month sales volume. It’s interesting to note that the Median Sale Price is exectly the same as the Condo Median Sale Price at $290,000. This suggest that this a comfortable price level for investors who really dominate these two markets as opposed to owner users in the Residential market who pay premium prices for homes. It seems that the North Kona and Island wide data continues to show a strong market that we have not seen since the recovery began. This suggests that with 2017 we have entered a new phase of the market cycle often referred to as the growth phase. Kona Residential Median Price & Pending Ration - Past 2 Years (thousands) North Kona Condominium Median Price & Pending Ration - Past 2 Years (thousands) North Kona 10/15/07 10/15/08 10/15/09 10/15/10 10/15/11 10/15/12 10/15/13 10/15/14 10/15/15 10/15/16 10/15/17 Percentage Vacant Land Loans cŅŞŅĜĹƋŸƵĜƋĘƚŞƋŅƀĂŢĀűĹÏĜĹčúÃà $QQXDO3HUFHQWDJH5DWH:LOOORDQXSWRRIWKHDSSUDLVHGYDOXHRUVDOHVSULFHZKLFKHYHULVOHVV7KUHHDQG¿YH\HDUWHUPVDYDLODEOH $¿QDOEDOORRQSD\PHQWLVGXHDWWKHHQGRIWKHWHUP0RQWKO\SD\PHQWLVFDOFXODWHGXVLQJD\HDUDPRUWLDWLRQ$OOORDQVDUHVXEMHFWWR FUHGLWDSSURYDO5DWHVDQGWHUPVZLOOEHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQLQGLYLGXDOFUHGLWZRUWKLQHVV0DLPXPORDQDPRXQWIRUSURSHUWLHVORFDWHGLQ /DYD+DDUG=RQHVDQGXSWR0XVWEH\HDUVRIDJHWRTXDOLI\IRUDORDQ0XVWEHDPHPEHUWRSDUWLFLSDWH 5HY )HGHUDOO\LQVXUHGE\1&8$ 930-7700 hicommfcu.com 5.25% e{à With rates as low as:

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