

Wishing you a VeryHappyHoliday! Best Watch Repair for the last 20 years Best Jewelry StoreBob’s Jewelers,Inc. Hawaiian Jewelry, F ine Jewelr y and Watches 110 Kamehameha Ave. in Downtown Hilo • 935-8434 Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas! Thank you for your kind support & friendship all year round. We look forward to serving your electrical needs in 2018! K&R ELECTRIC, LLC RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • SECURITY • PV • BUCKET TRUCK SERVICE MAINTENANCE Reliable • High Quality • Affordable • 24-hour Islandwide Services 2457 Nohona Street, Hilo • Lic.#C-27536 • PH. 808-557-3645 10 Sunday, December 24, 2017 Hawaii Tribune-Herald Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a baby doll, a red wagon, swing colors clothes, a baby, and Crayola colors. Your Friend, Payton C. Dear Santa, I would like a new tiger, a tablet, and a pencil. Your Friend, Blake Dear Santa, I want an Amazon gift card that’s worth $25. Another thing I want is a new Xbox controller. The texture is called Red Volcano. My third wish is a ticket to Roger Federer’s match in Shanghai. If he doesn’t play in Shanghai, then I’ll choose the U.S. Open. The fourth item is a brand new Xbox. It’ll be an Xbox One. Lastly, I would like a 4 star ping pong ball and a high quality ping pong paddle. Mahalo, Aiden C. Dear Santa, Can you get me a noodle set and a computer? Also a real puppy and one dollar? And can I have a minion blanket and a hula-hoop? Love your friend, Kiley C. Miss Antida’s Kindergarten class, Keaau Elementary School: Dear Santa Claus, This year I have been really good. For Christmas, I would like a bike. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Your friend, Shaia Dear Santa Claus, This year I have been really good. For Christmas, I would like a baby. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Your Friend, Jahea Dear Santa Claus, This year I have been really good. For Christmas, I would like toys. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Your Friend, Taylor Dear Santa Claus, This year I have been really good. For Christmas, I would like a Barbie. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Your Friend, Brelyn Dear Santa Claus, This year I have been really good. For Christmas, I would like Legos. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Your Friend, Tyronn Dear Santa Claus, This year I have been really good. For Christmas, I would like a rattlesnake. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Your Friend, Manuel Dear Santa Claus, This year I have been really good. For Christmas, I would like a toy house. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Your Friend, Isaiah P. )URPRXU2KDQDWR<RXUV #Ċĉĉĉ Ĉ™ +LOR :DLPHD2SHQWRGD\6XQGD\DPSP $OO6WRUHV&ORVHG0RQGD\‡2SHQ7XHVGD\DPSP *LYHWKH*LIWWKDW.HHSV<RXU/RYHG2QHV6DIH 7,5(65(3$,56RU:+((/6 *LIW&HUWLILFDWHV *,)7&(57,),&$7( %UDNHV‡$OLJQPHQW‡5HSDLUV ( 0DGHWRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 7KLVFHUWLILFDWHHQWLWOHV\RXWRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB *RRGDWDQ\/H%URGLH¶VORFDWLRQRQWKH%LJ,VODQG +,/2‡ :,:22/(67 3$+2$‡ 3$+2$0$5.(73/$&( %UDNHV‡$OLJQPHQW‡5HSDLUV +,/2‡ 3$+2$‡ .21$‡ :$,0($‡ 7XH)ULDPSP6DWSP:DLPHD +LOR681DPSP :$,0($‡ 3$5.(55$1&+&(17(5 .21$‡ .8$.,1,+:< 7KLVFHUWLILFDWHKDVQRFDVKYDOXH*RRGIRUVHUYLFHVRUSURGXFWVPHQWLRQHGDERYHIRUDYDOXHRIXSWRBBBBBBBBBB &DOOVWRUHIRUGHWDLOVDQGDSSRLQWPHQW&HUWLILFDWHHSLUHVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB&HUWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $XWKRULHGE\BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'DWHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $YDLODEOH

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