

8 Friday, December 23, 2016 Merr y Christmas Happy New Year License #C28739 965-5554 Member May the Blessings of the Thank you for your friendship. We look forward to many more years of serving you. May Peace & Goodwill be yours (808) 935-0933 510 Kalanikoa St. Hilo Happy Holidays ffrroomm from our oouurr ‘‘‘OOhhaannaa Ohana to yours! ,QWKH6SLULWRIWKH6HDVRQ :HZLVKWKDW\RXUGD\VEHILOOHGZLWK /RYH3HDFH +DSSLQHVV 1HUU\'KULVWPDV IURP/H%URGLH·V7LUH %HVDIHRQWKHURDG GULYHZLWKK%ORKD +ROLGD\+RXUV6DW 6XQ &ORVHG 0RQ)ULDPSP6DWSP:DLPHD +LOR681DPSP %UDNHV‡$OLJQPHQW‡5HSDLUV OHEURGLHVWLUHFRP I /HB%URGLHVB7LUH %LJ,VODQG May God bless you this holiday season and throughout the New Year with JOY, PEACE, and LOVE. Glibert & Tracey, Aguinaldo & the BIES ‘Ohana email: BigIslandElectrical@hawaii.rr.com Website: www.bigislandelectrical.com KEIKI SANTA MAZE Santa needs your help! Help Santa fi nd his way through the maze can join his elves and reindeer in beautiful Start Season Shine upon you.

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