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Vacant Land Loans 5.25% Vacant Land Loans 5.25% Vacant Land Loans Rates 5.25% as low as: APR* Vacant No points with Land up to 75% financing!**Loans 5.25% Vacant Land Loans 5.25% $QQXDO3HUFHQWDJH5DWH:LOOORDQXSWRRIWKHDSSUDLVHGYDOXHRUVDOHVSULFHZKLFKHYHULVOHVV7KUHHDQG¿YH\HDUWHUPV DYDLODEOH$¿QDOEDOORRQSD\PHQWLVGXHDWWKHHQGRIWKHWHUP0RQWKO\SD\PHQWLVFDOFXODWHGXVLQJD\HDUDPRUWLDWLRQ$OOORDQVDUH VXEMHFWWRFUHGLWDSSURYDO5DWHVDQGWHUPVZLOOEHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQLQGLYLGXDOFUHGLWZRUWKLQHVV0DLPXPORDQDPRXQWIRUSURSHUWLHV ORFDWHGLQ/DYD+DDUG=RQHVDQGXSWR0XVWEH\HDUVRIDJHWRTXDOLI\IRUDORDQ0XVWEHDPHPEHUWRSDUWLFLSDWH )HGHUDOO\LQVXUHGE\1&8$ 808-930-7700 5HY Vacant Land Loans Rates 5.25% as low as: APR* No points with up to 75% financing!** $QQXDO3HUFHQWDJH5DWH:LOOORDQXSWRRIWKHDSSUDLVHGYDOXHRUVDOHVSULFHZKLFKHYHULVOHVV7KUHHDQG¿YH\HDUWHUPV DYDLODEOH$¿QDOEDOORRQSD\PHQWLVGXHDWWKHHQGRIWKHWHUP0RQWKO\SD\PHQWLVFDOFXODWHGXVLQJD\HDUDPRUWLDWLRQ$OOORDQVDUH VXEMHFWWRFUHGLWDSSURYDO5DWHVDQGWHUPVZLOOEHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQLQGLYLGXDOFUHGLWZRUWKLQHVV0DLPXPORDQDPRXQWIRUSURSHUWLHV ORFDWHGLQ/DYD+DDUG=RQHVDQGXSWR0XVWEH\HDUVRIDJHWRTXDOLI\IRUDORDQ0XVWEHDPHPEHUWRSDUWLFLSDWH )HGHUDOO\LQVXUHGE\1&8$ 808-930-7700 5HY APR* Rates as low as: APR* Rates as low as: No points with up to 75% financing!** $QQXDO3HUFHQWDJH5DWH:LOOORDQXSWRRIWKHDSSUDLVHGYDOXHRUVDOHVSULFHZKLFKHYHULVOHVV7KUHHDQG¿YH\HDUWHUPV DYDLODEOH$¿QDOEDOORRQSD\PHQWLVGXHDWWKHHQGRIWKHWHUP0RQWKO\SD\PHQWLVFDOFXODWHGXVLQJD\HDUDPRUWLDWLRQ$OOORDQVDUH VXEMHFWWRFUHGLWDSSURYDO5DWHVDQGWHUPVZLOOEHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQLQGLYLGXDOFUHGLWZRUWKLQHVV0DLPXPORDQDPRXQWIRUSURSHUWLHV ORFDWHGLQ/DYD+DDUG=RQHVDQGXSWR0XVWEH\HDUVRIDJHWRTXDOLI\IRUDORDQ0XVWEHDPHPEHUWRSDUWLFLSDWH )HGHUDOO\LQVXUHGE\1&8$ 808-930-7700 Vacant low as: Land Loans 5HY Rates as Rates 5.25% as low as: APR* Rates as low as: No points with up to 75% financing!** $QQXDO3HUFHQWDJH5DWH:LOOORDQXSWRRIWKHDSSUDLVHGYDOXHRUVDOHVSULFHZKLFKHYHULVOHVV7KUHHDQG¿YH\HDUWHUPV DYDLODEOH$¿QDOEDOORRQSD\PHQWLVGXHDWWKHHQGRIWKHWHUP0RQWKO\SD\PHQWLVFDOFXODWHGXVLQJD\HDUDPRUWLDWLRQ$OOORDQVDUH VXEMHFWWRFUHGLWDSSURYDO5DWHVDQGWHUPVZLOOEHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQLQGLYLGXDOFUHGLWZRUWKLQHVV0DLPXPORDQDPRXQWIRUSURSHUWLHV ORFDWHGLQ/DYD+DDUG=RQHVDQGXSWR0XVWEH\HDUVRIDJHWRTXDOLI\IRUDORDQ0XVWEHDPHPEHUWRSDUWLFLSDWH )HGHUDOO\LQVXUHGE\1&8$ 808-930-7700 5HY West Hawaii Real Estate | January 18, 2017 9 Clark Realty Corporation Community Fund supports island initiatives Several island organizations received grants in December through Clark Realty Corporation’s Community Fund. A grant of $5,000 was made to the Friends of the Children’s Justice Center for its child abuse education and prevention program. In partnership with the Children’s Justice Center of East Hawaii, the mission of the Friends of the Children’s Justice Center is to support sexually, physically, emotionally abused and neglected children by providing funds and resources. Four organizations received $2,500 each to support keiki education programs and families in need. PATH (People’s Advocacy for Trails Hawaii) received the grant for its Big Island Bike Education program, which teaches bicycle safety and handling skills to Big Island elementary school students in the fourth grade. Also awarded was the Donkey Mill Art Center, which provides art education and experiences to people of all ages and abilities at its facility in Holualoa. Family Support Hawaii is another grant recipient. It was founded by members of the community who were concerned about the life-long consequences of child abuse and neglect. Finally, the Palace Theater in Hilo received a $2,500 grant. The mission of Palace Theater is to revitalize, restore and sustain the Historic Palace Theater as a venue that will educate, entertain and inspire the community. Established in December 2005 by Putman D. “Putty” Clark, the Clark Realty Community Fund has raised over $175,000 to support Big Island organizations nominated annually by Clark agents and staff. The 2016 fund drive was dedicated to the memory of Putty Clark’s altruism and kindness. He died in June, but his legacy lives on in the spirit of generosity that has inspired Clark agents, staff, clients and neighbors to support the fundraising efforts of the Clark Realty Corporation Community fund team this year. Established in December 2005 by Putman D. “Putty” Clark, the Clark Realty Community Fund has raised over $175,000 to support Big Island organizations nominated annually by Clark agents and staff. The 2016 fund drive was dedicated to the memory of Putty Clark’s altruism and kindness.

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